Homeopathy in a Nutshell Homeopathy
is a system of medicine formulated by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German medical doctor, in the late 1700s. The primary principle of Homeopathic treatment is “like can cure like”, a concept that dates to the father of medicine, Hippocrates, in the 5th century BC. This primary principle of Homeopathy is called the Law of Similars.
This law of Similars states: that which a substance is capable of causing, it is also capable of curing.
‘Like cures like’ can be looked at in several ways. One way is to understand that the body knows what it is doing and that symptoms are its way of taking action to overcome illness.In actual fact, fever is one such example of this. When the body becomes invaded by a micro-organism (be it a virus or bacteria) the Hypothalamus in the brain increases the internal thermostat, which is what causes fever.
This is done because microorganisms that cause illnesses in humans have a small range of temperatures in which they can thrive. The immune system knows this and produces the fever in its own attempt to kill the organism.
This healing response is automatic in living organisms; we call it the ‘vital response’. A similar medicine acts as a stimulus to the natural vital response, giving it the impetus it needs to complete its healing work. Since the initial action of the vital response plus the medicine is to increase the strength of the symptoms, this is our first indication of internal healing taking place, of diseases being cured from within – pushed outwards along established routes of past and present symptoms. We can also understand the law of similars in terms of hemodynamics – the body’s way of maintaining health. When a person becomes ill there is an imbalance; for example, if you had a fright one night and the next few evenings you had insomnia this could be considered normal as you adjust and return to health.If insomnia continues, however, then hemodynamics has not taken place and you have become stuck, you are not in the flow of life. Health is characterized by a flow of vitality.
The administration of a potentized, homeopathic medicine gently exaggerates the ‘stuck’ symptoms thus triggering the healing response. Conventional Western medicines suppress symptoms, masking them, and this is why you often have to stay on drugs for a long time or find your symptoms return when you come off the drugs. Homeopaths do not suppress symptoms.
When the symptoms of insomnia appear and stay, this means the hemodynamic action has become stuck.
The appropriate homeopathic medicine will stimulate the body into action again. Patients will often experience a small and temporary ‘aggravation’ in the symptoms as the vitality is energized into action to overcome the stasis. Now the self-healing power is re-established and the flow of vitality continues again. Homeopathic remedies are made from substances from all kingdoms of nature – mineral, plant, and animal.
Each of these homeopathic remedies has unique physical, mental, and emotional capabilities.
A homeopath will take time to gather information in consultation before deciding on the most appropriate remedies. Homeopathic medication is safe for people of all ages and can be taken in conjunction with other medications. Homeopathic medicines do not cause side effects but may cause an initial aggravation which is a temporary increase in the intensity of symptoms. This period can last for a few hours up to 1-2 days, and is then followed by improvement

What does a Herbalist do?
A Medical Herbalist takes down a full case history, listening to all the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms the patient relates in order to evaluate the overall picture and understand the root cause of the patient’s disease.
Practitioners of Herbal Medicine are not only trained in the same non-invasive diagnostic skills as ordinary doctors; but also use the benefits of a holistic viewpoint, traditional knowledge, and additional forms of diagnosis such as Tongue, Pulse, or Iris diagnosis to elicit the root of the health problem.
Treatment is aimed at restoring true health; not at suppressing the symptoms.

Health Through Cultural Heritage
The practices of traditional medicine date back many centuries and have therefore been as “tried and tested” as many of the scientific medicines that are generally more harmful and with a higher degree of side effects. The use of herbs and other organic substances in African traditional medicine is a practice now increasingly followed by Western medicine.
It is very important that people do not self-diagnose any health conditions. Any medication (herbal or otherwise) should be taken under the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner for more info and help contact us

Allergy testing is done by sending your blood to the Laboratory to test for reactions to airborne allergens and/or food allergies. Allergies are characterized by an immediate onset of symptoms including itchy palate and skin, swelling of lips, mouth, and throat, Urticaria (swelling of the skin), and certain cases of Asthma.
Food Intolerance tests
Tests are imported from Germany and take 60 minutes to complete.
Food intolerances are typically characterized by the following symptoms: chronic postnasal drip & cough, sinusitis, eczema, joint pain, bloating & IBS, brain fog & chronic headaches.
Testing is done on both adults and children (usually from 12 months of age). In children younger than 12 months who are breastfeeding testing is done on the Mother.

Health Through Cultural Heritage
The practices of traditional medicine date back many centuries and have therefore been as “tried and tested” as many of the scientific medicines that are generally more harmful and with a higher degree of side effects. The use of herbs and other organic substances in African traditional medicine is a practice now increasingly followed by Western medicine.

“If only I had known about herbal medicine sooner!” People who first discovered herbal medicine often express this feeling. They are amazed at the results they get, the lack of side effects, the no-dependence approach, and the number of health conditions they can heal with a given custom herbal formula. Many are also happy to find that they no longer need the pharmaceutical medications they have been taking for years.
We offer herbal medicine consultations as a stand-alone service, with over 24 years of research and study we are proud to carry over 41 approved herbal formulas/products for a wide variety of diseases/viruses including
- Parkinson's Disease
- Myasthenia gravis disease
- Lupus SLE
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD)
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Diabetes
- Bronchitis
- Pulmonary/Respiratory Diseases
- Thyroid diseases
- Fibromyalgia
- Hypothyroidism
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Ataxia
- Asthma
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Sarcoidosis
- Seizure
- Psoriasis
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Bronchiectasis
- System Lupus
- Herpes Virus
- High Blood Pressure
- Essential Tremor
- Borreliosis
- Osteoporosis
- Migraine
- Restrictive Lungs Disease
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Osteoarthritis
MONDAY - FRIDAY 09:00 - 18:30 SATURDAY 09:00 - 17:00
SUNDAY 12:30 - 16:30
Shop 340 Randburg Square, Hill St, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194
| TEL.+27842298881